December 2017
“Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward [is] with him, and his work before him.” (Isaiah 62:11)
“’We should call for and we should work on launching an intifada (Palestinian uprising) in the face of the Zionist enemy,’ Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a speech in Gaza.”
The General Assembly of the UN passed a resolution that established Jerusalem as a “Corpus Separatum” in 1947. They also voted to patrician the land into Arab, Jewish, and neutral sections, which was refused by the Arabs. May 14, 1948, the British Mandate ended and Israel was reborn. That very day, President Harry Truman publically recognized the Jewish homeland. The result was Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq declaring war against her. The 1967 war united the land for the Jewish state. However, the Israeli government gave control of the Temple Mount into the hands of the Jordanian Brotherhood as an act of “peace.” In 1980, the Israeli Parliament declared Jerusalem the Undivided Eternal Capital of Israel. As a result, many national embassies left Jerusalem. In 1995, Clinton recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, but the actual building project has been postponed to this date.
President Trump’s recent proclamation restated what had already been declared decades before. However, the unsurprising wave of threats and violence against Jews restate the status quo for anything pro-Israel. Perhaps, the “theys” feel Trump will actually act upon his proclamation and move the US embassy to Jerusalem. While Tel-Aviv is a beautiful, modern, coastal city, it is not one of spiritual significance. Plainly stated, it is not, nor ever was, Israel’s capital.
America’s leading role in the birthing process has made her a target for hate from Israel’s haters. Additionally, many Americans resent Trump’s proclamation of loyalty. Nonetheless, he is playing a biblically mandated role. No, the Bible has not mentioned him by name the way it did Cyrus (Isaiah 45), but he is significant in the preparation for the climax on the world’s center stage (Israel). Prophecy? It is as though the world is acting out the script the Biblical writers penned several thousand years ago.
We have seen many prophecies fulfilled in our lifetime regarding Israel. She became a nation in a day, and now, has become a cup of trembling (Is. 66:8-14; Zech. 12:2) to the nations. To sum up her history, Father Abraham was chosen to birth a nation to bring light and blessing to the world. His family was given God’s chosen property to live on. They resented being different, and worshipped idols upon God’s Holy land. He removed them to cleanse it and punished them severely sending the survivors to the four corners of the world. From Abraham came Judah…came David… came a Savior who many rejected. This was God’s plan in order that He may include the Gentiles—us. We are adopted and grafted in; part of the family through the descendant of David, Jesus! In recent times, He brought Abraham’s Jewish family back to Israel. God is restoring the land and the people (Ezekiel 37 fulfilled). Next, He will bring their Messiah, our Messiah, Jesus, to save us from all our oppressors. Finally, God will set up an eternal Kingdom of which the world will worship Him alone (Rev. 21-22). There are no shortages of scoffers and skeptics.
Keep your faith strong and know God’s plan was established before the creation of humanity and revealed in His Word.
“For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, [those] nations shall be utterly wasted. … The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel. Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through [thee], I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations.” Isaiah 60: 12-15
Prayer Targets:
- The peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)
- Aliyah process to increase – (Isaiah 43:5-6)
- The Lord’s protection (Psalm 18)
- Righteousness to shine (Isaiah 56:1; 58:8)
- Salvation to all Israel (Ezekeil 18:31; Romans 11:26)
- President Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu
- Unity in pure worship
November 2017
“The effective, earnest prayer of a righteous man is powerfully effective” (James 5:16b, HNV).
Prayer is part of most religions, but is fundamental to Evangelicals. It is the topic of many sermons and seminars; however, not practiced on a consistent basis ( ). The conversation between an individual and God, known as prayer, was practiced and taught by Jesus to His disciples. One’s authenticity in prayer matters more than the ritual. Our society reflects not much has been going on in prayer closets or church meetings—a sign of the end-times.
We need the Daniels desperately. In a foreign land, his character and devotion reflected the trust He had in His God. He was an intercessor for his deported nation and also for the pagan kings he served. We need Christians whose character reflects the holiness of their God, and whose prayer life reflects their trust. God can still close the mouths of the lions: “My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocence was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt” (Daniel 6:22).
Choose to pray. Prayer and God’s Word are powerful weapons against our enemy. Ask God to raise up those who will open their windows toward Heaven so Heaven will open its window towards us. Three times a day Daniel prayed (Daniel 2, 6, 9). We are told to pray without ceasing (1 Thes. 5:17). Start with knee time for our society to see that our God reigns!
- Pray for Israeli protection as they face opposition on every side. The IDF recently destroyed a terror tunnel that lead to Hamas-ruled Gaza. Hamas promises retaliation.
- Pray for the recent victims of US citizens of the terror attach in New York.
- Pray for those who are recovering from last month’s natural disasters.
- Pray for an awakening to prayer.
October 2017
“And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.” (Joel 2:13 ).
Leonard Ravenhill said, “No man is greater than his prayer life” ( We could also say that no nation, synogogue, church, or business is greater than their prayer life. He quotes Dr. J. B. Phillips:
“This is the church of Jesus Christ before it became fat and out of breath by prosperity. This is the church of Jesus Christ before it became muscle bound by over organization. This is the church of Jesus Christ where they didn’t gather together a group of intellectuals to study phycho-sematic medicine, they just healed the sick. This is the church of Jesus Christ where they did not say prayers, but they prayed in the Holy Ghost.”
Many churches across our nation are awakening in the aftermath of destruction on every side. The news media is noticing the positive impact community churches and Christian organizations are having in hard hit areas. Still, there is a tremendous, long-term challenge before us.
Harvey targeted Texas and claimed 83 lives. Irma targeted Florida and claimed 41 lives. Maria utterly destroyed Puerto Rico and claimed 17 lives. The fires in California leave behind 23 dead with hundreds missing. Each destroyed thousands of homes and properties. The cost of loss cannot be calculated. One could easily assume glamorous, indulgent living as no longer acheivable.
As great and rich as America has been, she cannot rescue Puerto Rico from her immediate despair. Only God can. Many are working harder than ever to meet the enormous cries of the hungry and sick with only more to do than is humanly possible. Hospitals depend on diesel, which is in shortage. Power may not be fully restored until 2018. ATM and grocery lines could take a person several hours to get minimal necessities. Yet, most are making the best of things and pulling together as family. (Refer to these links: Hospitals ; Jewish Community.)
We can give of our finances—and should. We can give of our labor—and must. But, don’t underestimate the power of prayer. It is the most needed. God hears the cries of His people, especially those who repent. May we be broken and rend our hearts, and weep between the porch and the altar! (Joel chapter 2)
September 2017
“Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me” (Psalm 57:1-2).
This month’s prayer focus is for those affected by the natural disasters that have targeted the shores of America. As we write, Irma has already taken the lives of 20 people making its way to Florida, who has issued the biggest mandatory evacuation and warning in her history. The whole state faces destruction. We pray that all lives will escape. Florida, as Texas in the aftermath of Harvey (her largest hurricane in history), is going to need our prayers and support. Only God can put such brokenness together. Pray for these states, the emergency support people and recovery, as though it was your state. Open your heart for God to speak to you as to how you can be a part of the recovery. Be kinder than you ever have before.
The largest fires in Los Angeles history, other parts of California, Washington State, and Oregon are forcing many to evacuate from the Pacific west coast. More inland are the fires in Idaho. Destruction leaves its path as fires continues to burn out of man’s control. Shamefully, human beings started some of them. Loss of property and material possession will takes years, if ever, to recover. Pray for the lives to be protected and these fires to be quenched.
The United States is facing material, financial and emotional devastations. These will be felt in our 50 states for many years to come and will reshape how we view our self and each other. It will cost all of us. For some, it will turn them back to God. We are in a situation no man-made institution can fix. We should and must call upon the Lord in repentance. As Americans, we have purposely stepped outside of His protective wall. Call upon His name. He will hear and answer.
(Also read Isaiah 14:31-32; Hosea 6:1-3; Acts 27:22)
August 2017
Some prophesy teachers are pointing to the upcoming eclipse of August 21, 2017, and the alignment of elements in the sky on September 23rd, fulfilling Revelation 12, as being signs for the return of the Lord. The Olivet discourse (Matthew 24) tells us of the signs before the end:
“Wars, rumors of wars, ethnos against ethnos, kingdom against kingdom (I believe this to be the Kingdom of God against Satan’s kingdom), famine, earthquakes, persecution and death for the cause of Christ, a great falling away (because of those who purposely put stumbling blocks), betrayal and hatred even among family, false prophets and deception (targeted toward the church), and increasing unrighteousness that will blow out the flames of Godly love.”
All these are signs ON earth. There will be signs in the heavens as well (Acts 2:19). While these terrible things are going on, the Gospel is being preached around the world! God’s mercy beckons the world to repent. The last sign before judgement will be the abomination of desolations in the temple in Jerusalem (Mark 13:14). All of this tells us to look up and know our redemption is near (Luke 21:28).
“Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look at the earth beneath; for the heavens vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment, and they who dwell in it will die in like manner; but my salvation will be forever, and my righteousness will never be dismayed” (Isaiah 51:6, ESV).
“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:25-28).
Prayer point: See the signs without fear. Boldly preach the gospel and pray for those who do. Pray for the hearts to hear and believe. And look up with hope and joy.
July 2017
The rise of Christian acceptance in Israel is increasing. A few proofs are the increase of organizations promoting cooperation, increase of global Christian tourism, promotion of Christian support by much of Israel’s government, and the increase of open Messianic churches. But the ultra religious groups find this very offensive and are vocal–sometimes violent–about their objection. JPost reported one Rabbi as saying, “all forms of Christian assistance to Jews have but one purpose: Erasing Israel in one way or another…we shouldn’t be lured by statements of love, hugs and kisses.” He believes our intent is selfishly motivated, and is not alone in his thoughts. Three young Jewish extremists vandalized the Church of “Loaves and Fishes” in 2015 (Times of Israel) because of resentment toward a Christian presence in Israel. They see us as a threat and believe Zion should not and will not be built up until Messiah comes. The religious group sees the progress going on now as man’s initiative to imitate the will of God. We Christians stand in violation, in their eyes, and all of the Jews standing with us are in violation as well. So, we pray for them and love genuinely. Yes, we do feel the time of “building up” is now and that God uses people to do His will. For “When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory” (Psalm 102:16, KJV). We come, and we give, and we pray…we love from the bottom of our heart. In Genesis 45, Joseph sent every one away and revealed himself privately to his brothers. Yes, Messiah has a revealing planned…and I’m NOT invited to that future private, precious moment! For now, (until the end of the Gentile dispensation) I stand WITH Israel and all of God’s chosen people around the world. Pray for the Jewish people–the ones you like and the ones you don’t like. More importantly, pray for the ones who don’t like you. Pray that those who misunderstand will accept our love and the timing of our God for us to come to Israel and love Israel’s people.
“Thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in [their] arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon [their] shoulders” (Isaiah 49:22).
April 2017
“For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness” (1 Cor. 3:19) My favorite website, says this: “The wisdom of this world is the prevailing cultural spirit that suppresses the reality of God’s Presence and truth.” Perversion, hatred, and self centeredness is the cultural norm for the world. That cultural spirit cannot prevail against praying people who are aggressively pursuing God. Prayer target: Pray against the mind-blinder of this world, for eyes to be opened and hearts made new by the power of the Spirit of God. Pray for revival of prayer and renewed desire for the Word of God in our homes, churches, and schools.
“You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13).
March 2017
Of the 300+ Christian denominations in the world today, few agree on end-time prophecy. Some argue for pre-tribulation rapture, some for post-tribulation rapture, and others for Kingdom Now. In between are many other eschatological ideas I will not attempt to mention. The point is that we need to know how to endure to the end, whenever that may be. “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). Times will not improve, if indeed we are in the end-times–and I believe we are. Perseverance is part of the mature Christians character and is needed desperately lest we become discouraged, not focused on the Greatness of our God and His purpose that will unfold. Prayer target: Many, many people are feeling hopeless. Pray for perseverance. Spend time in prayer and in the Word of God to encourage yourself and to have strength to encourage others. Spend time in worship and praise before Him. Keep His joy through it all.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).